this is a blog about riding bikes designed for human bodies. i'm a sparsely educated enthusiast and i don't claim to be expert in any of the things i'm spouting off about. here are my credentials:

biking: i've commuted by bike with varying degrees of commitment since high school. for the last several years i'm finally riding year-round. rain pants, you are my hero! i've never owned my own car and i've never once driven myself to work.

ergonomics/biomechanics: i studied alexander technique for about a year (many many years ago). i have also learned a lot about body mechanics through trainings at work. finally, i am an upright biped.

Friday, September 10, 2010

okay, why?

the easy answer would be "i'm prone to proselytize". but that's way too easy (and way too obvious to anyone who knows me). so here're the real answers:

why the bikes? the bike is my insurance policy. my theory is that if i use my body the way it was designed i will never succumb to all the usual cycling wear-and-tear/repetitive injuries. i'll be riding as comfortably when i'm 90 as i am today. i'll just be a little less speedy...

why the blog? that's the real question, yeah? i mean, why should anyone else care about this? well, first i hope to inspire current riders to think about their bodies. i hope that the people that are already dedicated to going by bike will continue to do so into their twilight years.

but even more than that, i hope this blog is read and enjoyed by people who don't believe cycling is for them. i want people to see that this isn't only the pursuit of kamikaze bike messengers and spandex-clad tour de france emulators. a few "what ifs" for these folks to consider: what if sitting in the saddle of your bike was as comfortable as sitting in your office chair? what if you never had to go to the gym again because commuting was your workout? what if you could ride with your head held high, in a position to see all that traffic moving around you? what if you didn't have to be an athlete already to consider cycle commuting?

that's really the deal. if i get one person out of her car and into the bike lane, this blog is successful.


  1. rain pants will be your exboyfriend once you get full fenders on your bike. your front fender will be your bff here in puddletown! love the blog. can those uprights come with a fixed gear and no brakes for all my hipster friends?

  2. at least when you inevitably wreck on your upright fixed-gear track bike, you probably won't go face-first over the handlebars... but i guess slamming into the stem with your, um, y'know, might be worse.

  3. love the blog, ama. inspiring me to get a new bike.... someday.... -aj
